The only 100% Independent Outpatient Lab Benefit Management Program for Health Plans

Since 2000, Kentmere’s Laboratory Benefit Management Program™ has saved health plans 10-20% ($1-$2+ PMPM) on outpatient laboratory testing costs (not including trend reduction, administrative costs decreases or cost avoidance) while improving member and physician satisfaction, and all other quality measures. Clients recognize the highest ROI of any laboratory benefit management program with a greater than 20-1 return and an average savings of 10-20% year over year.


  • Provides immediate short-term savings and quality improvements with ongoing intermediate and long-term benefits savings.
  • Is independent and works only for health plans. It is not owned by a laboratory, health plan, imaging, genetic counseling company, or venture capital group.
  • Claims editing recommendations and updates allow health plans to modify their own or external claims editing programs, reducing unnecessary rejections and improve member and physician satisfaction.
  • LBMP provides a vast scope of programs including the RFP process, ongoing steerage and leakage management, savings monitoring, new test technology, clinical validity, and utility evaluation, including genetics, using proprietary analytics unique in the health care industry.
  • Team includes professional experience in laboratory and health plan management, medicine and accounting, and unparalleled expertise in laboratory benefit management planning.
  • Creates validated, proprietary and highly customized for each health plan a laboratory benefit management program used by national, regional and local health plans of all sizes in every state across the US.
  • Established the laboratory benefit management category and is the original and longest-existing laboratory benefit management entity.
  • Enables health plans to continue network ownership avoiding liability of others’ mistakes.
  • Offers oversight and management implementation capabilities, supporting health plan’s members, providers and management, to minimize disruptions and ease the burden to health plan leaders.
  • Creates models where all health plan quality metrics improve.
  • Negotiates, evaluates, and validates the accuracy of analytic and savings claims in proposals from high-cost laboratory benefit management/prior authorization companies.
  • Provides the proprietary and exclusive Proactive service for unlimited client access to daily updated lab test data base including technical and financial information, network and medical policy guidelines and updated technical and business information on the laboratory industry.

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